Wednesday, July 24, 2002

'nuther try...

This is pretty funny.

Blogging is pretty cool. Its a great way to share information and thoughts. Everytime I read an article about blogging, I come back to this one. Then I write something stupid like this. And then I forget about it.


Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Lizard in K'ukum

I think I've decided to use the blog to showcase some of my photo's that may not have been displayed elsewhere. This guy was basking in the sun on a deck-post outside the restaurant in K'ukum National Park. He was wonderfully patient (or scared shitless) and just sat there while I leisurely photographed him. It might look like his tail is cut-off in the frame, if you look closely though, you will notice that it was just a rounded stub.

Monday, April 22, 2002

Next try...

It's been far too long since I've blogged, so I figure that I should give it another shot. Consider this my promise to you, the casual non-reader, that I will try to update this darned thing every once in a while and at the very least, try to make Evan @ Blogger earn the money that I paid him ;) Of course, having an ad-free blog that nobody visits probably helps him out in the sense that he's not serving ads to just me ;)

Saturday, October 27, 2001

New.Net Launches dotMOVIE - For Free

According to this article at ZDNet, has launched the dotMOVIE extension into their root system. In an interesting departure, domain names under these extensions will be registered for free by for each new movie that comes out - and the URL pointed to the equivalent address in the dotCOM space.

I'm not sure what to make of this move, but it doesn't striike me as being all that brave as a tactical move in their battle against ICANN. Nor does it strike me as being a particularly effective marketing move. First, simply pointing '" to "" serves only to continue to foster consumer perception that dotCOM is king. Not to mention that this redirection will only work if the end-user can see the namespace in the first place. Secondly, free is free is free. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dotCOMpanies have proven over the last year that providing services for free doesn't build the sustainable revenue model that investors are looking for...

Time will, of course, tell.